Monday, December 27, 2010

Thank you God...

Bailey normally says a standard "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep" prayer before bedtime, but tonight (wihtout any prompting) she decided to say her own. Tear...

"Thank you God.
Thank you God for Jesus.
Thank you God for Mommy and Daddy and Izzie.
Thank you God for Dora the Explorer.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Tacky Christmas Party 2010

Have I mentioned lately how very much I LOVE costume parties?!?!?! This year our friends Cameron and Kellie hosted the Tacky Christmas Party at their house. We had a BLAST and here are some pictures to prove it!

The Doyals strike again!!! David was dressed as Cousin Eddie from National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. His outfit consisted of all women's clothes from Goodwill (which included a lovely pair of polyester pants and a dickie under his sweater). He was very proud of his white patent leather shoes he bought!!!

I made my outfit (which proves that I either am obsessed with crafts or have way too much time on my hands!). I had some red satin heels with gift bows on them. I sponge painted Christmas trees on my panty hose and sewed jingle bells on my shorts. I also made my sweatshirt with little presents with bows on them. My outfit was completed by my Christmas ball earrings and my lovely Snookie poof!

Kellie (the hostess with the mostess) and Me

The Gals
Hot Brandon (who robbed me of the Tackiest Outfit Prize) and Hot Matt

The Gang

I was very surprised to get an early birthday cake. Delicious, but tacky!!! Bless your heart!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The 12 (or so) Days of Christmas- Part 1

So I have these really creative supermommy friends who have been doing the 25 Days of Christmas with their kids (Christmasy activities each day). Well, I haven't been THAT on the ball, but we're trying to do the 12 Days of Christmas. Here's what we've had going on for the 1st six days and a few snapshots to go with them!

Day 1 (Dec. 14)- Bailey's Christmas program at school (see previous blog-post about my superstar child who decided to sit down instead of sing with the group!)

Day 2 (Dec. 15)- After Bailey's Christmas party at MOPS, we came home and made a nativity picture with some stamps I got from Oriental Trading. It turned out really cute and Bailey loved to talk about each person/animal as we stamped them.

Day 3 (Dec. 16)- Thursday was a party-hardy kind of day for Bailey. She started off her day with her Christmas Pajama Party at school. Then she came with me to surprise Daddy at his Christmas Party at work. Sorry, no pictures- which is a big shame because she looked pretty cute!!!

Day 4 (Dec. 17)- FINALLY, after all our hustle and bustle this week, a day at home to relax and get things done. Bailey helped me make homemade gift tags (which was part of our MOPS craft this week). She absolutely LOVED helping with the glue!

Later, she spent some time "checking out the presents." Or so she said...

Day 5 (Dec. 18)- Saturday was Santa Day! Bailey was very excited to see Santa and ran across the mall shouting that she wanted a pink guitar before she even got near him.

Day 6 (Dec. 19)- After spending the night with G-Pa and YaYa, we met up with the rest of the Callaway clan and had our annual Callaway Christmas.

Bailey just adored Baby Stella and loved playing with her.

Bailey did NOT, however, adore taking a group picture (as you can see).

This was right after she smacked Campbell in the head with her Lamby. Thank goodness he thought it was funny!!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

B's Christmas Program

Well, at least I didn't have the kid that shouted "I pooped"!!! That's about all I can say about Bailey's Christmas program at school.

I had another video, but it was too long to upload. We practiced and practiced and practiced the songs at home, but of course, she wouldn't sing a note. Then, after a while, she just sat down like she was bored with the whole thing. Now, I do have to say that after they were finished singing, they came to sit down right in front of me and Bailey kept telling the little boy sitting next to her, "That my mama right there. You see her? That MY mama!"

Oh well, there's always next year...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

When Good Crafts Go Bad

What a great idea!!! ... Or so I thought!

I really thought that making a gingerbread house would be a great Christmas tradition for our family, but OH MY GOSH!!! it was a nightmare!
I do have to say that Bailey loved it, and after the roof fell off and icing was all over the floor, I just decided to give in and let her have at it.

She even went and got some rubber gloves when her hands got dirty!

Here's the finished product! Looks just like the picture on the box, doesn't it?!?!?!

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas/Crafty Ideas of the Month

Well, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around the Doyal house! I've been trying very hard to be organized and on the ball this holiday season so we can enjoy each day before it flys by. Bailey has thoroughly enjoyed getting into the Christmas spirit- I just love to see her little eyes light up with each and every new thing.

Her elf on the shelf, Guillermo, came and she wakes up each morning and looks for him. It's so funny because she'll go stand right in front of him and tell him good or bad things she's done- one of my favorites was, "I pooped in the tub!"

She was also a hoot decorating the Christmas tree. With every ornament she pulled out, she said, "Oh, it's my favorite!"

So I realize that I've slacked for the past few months on my Crafty Idea of the Month post. Maybe I've been saving up because the Mrs. Claus in me pulled out lots of crafty goodness this month!
Shot of mantle with lots of crafts! FYI- if you have small children, you must get the Fisher Price Little People nativity set. Bailey LOVES it and can play with it and act of the Christmas story. She's also quite protective of Baby Jesus (who Izzie seems to have some fetish for)!

I made new stockings this year. Thanks to my great friend Elise for the cute pattern!

Close up of ribbon Christmas trees I made from ribbon (obviously!) and styrofoam cones.

Homemade wreath- or should I say Re-Made wreath. Got this from my mom and took the fake fruit out and added Christmas stuff!

Okay, I'm done now and you probably didn't care to see all of this stuff but I get so excited about Christmas!!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Black Friday Friends Strike Again

Call us crazy, but we look forward to this day all year long! No, it's not Christmas... it's Black Friday!!! My friends Mindy and Elise have been waking up at the crack of dawn for many years now to do their Black Friday Christmas shopping. Last year, they invited me to join and I am now addicted!
This year, we got the earliest start yet when I picked up Elise at 10:45 pm!!! Yes, you heard that time right- technically it wasn't even Friday yet! We met Mindy at Wal-Mart at 11:30 pm and started our adventure. This year's store list included Wal-Mart, Target, Kohls, Belk, Bed Bath and Beyond, Lifeway, Old Navy (although we didn't buy anything there), Michales, oh- and Krispy Kreme and Chick-Fil-A for more shopping fuel!
At the end of the day, or should I say morning (I brought Elise back home at 8:30 am after about 9 hours of shopping!!!), we had a carload full and wallets empty. So you might call us crazy, but we love finding good deals, getting the bulk of our shopping done in one day, and spending time together! To me- it's more than worth it! Here's some pictures I took along the way!
So, there's not a lot of places to eat at 2:00 in the morning! The line at Whataburger was horrendous so we held out for Krispy Kreme, which was probably a mistake since they didn't even have some of what we ordered and the donuts were cold!

Elise- always the prepared shopper- with ads, a blanket, and her trusty flashlight!

Mindy shopped so hard, her raincoat tore!

Mindy's Loot

Mine and Elise's Loot- which kept falling out of the car whenever we opened the door!

Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart

We have much to be thankful for these days! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving day with family. I am so glad that Bailey has the opportunity to spend it with her Grandma (my mom) and her great-grandparents (Meme and G-Daddy)! Here are some highlights from our day!
My little turkey!

Bailey with her great-grandfather, G-Daddy

Bailey helping make Thanksgiving desserts...

which lasted about 5 minutes until she decided she'd rather go play outside!

Daddy and Bailey trying to work off some of that pumpkin pie!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Forgotten Halloween!

As Thanksgiving quickly approaches, I realize that I posted about all of our fun activities leading up to Halloween, but I forgot to post the actual day! Whoops!!!
The day before Halloween, Grandma took Bailey and Mommy to see the Mickey Mouse Road Show. She loved it and was singing the songs for weeks afterward!
Her first experience with Dippin Dots- definitely won't be her last!

On Halloween night, we went to some friends' house and trick-or-treated in their neighborhood and ate dinner. Bailey was the cutest little cupcake there!!!

What beautiful fairy wings Mrs. Kellie!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Anniversary Weekend in Natchitoches

Yet another post that is better late than never...

A few weekends ago, David and I went to Natchitoches for the weekend to celebrate our 8 year anniversary. It was a nice, relaxing getaway. Here are some highlights:

Natchitoches is the oldest settlement in the Louisiana Purchase (1714). They had the downtown riverfront area all decorated for fall- I loved it!

Our bed and breakfast, the Andrew Morris House, was beautiful! I believe the house was originally built in 1855.

We went to Fort St. Jean Baptiste, a historic fort and trading/guard post on the banks of the Cane River.

We tourned Oakland Plantation, a Creole cottage built in late 1700s.

We also tourned Melrose Plantation, which I remember visiting back in elementary school. This plantation was built in the mid to late 1800s. The famous primitive artist, Clementine Hunter, lived and painted here.