I am a MOM!!!
- Some days I feel like I'M the one that should be in time-out!
- I think Mother's Day Out was one of the greatest inventions ever!
- I desperately need a tan!
- I desperately need to exercise!
- I give kisses that make bo-bos all better!
- I'm lucky to make it out the door most days!
- I sometimes eat lunch at 3 pm because that's when I got around to it!
- I bribe my child with dessert!
- I LIVE for naptime!!! (my child's, and if lucky- my own!)
- I have a song, rhyme, or poem for any topic imaginable!
- I am a professional at giving people the "I'm so sorry my child is screaming in the grocery store" look!
- And I'm also good at the "Don't worry- my child screams in the grocery store too" look for other discouraged mothers!
- I find it very hard to watch TV shows or see those magazine ads about children with disabilities!
- I'm still trying to figure out where my boobs went- if you see them, give me a call!
- Daddy coming home early is music to my ears!
- I rarely get through a phone conversation without disciplining my child!
- I don't wash my hair every day (I used to swear I would NEVER do this!).
- I don't wear makeup every day (two days in a row is a record!).
- My typical day is a cycle of laundry, dishes, diapers, cleaning...and it just keeps going and going and going!
- I hear the word "Mommy" about 5000 times a day! (Luckily I was used to hearing Mrs. Doyal about 5000 times a day so that got me prepared)
- I constantly say the words "no," "come here," "don't touch that," "in a minute," "you're getting on my nerves," and all of those other things you're not supposed to say too much!
- I own a tankini!
- I lick my fingers to wipe dirt off my child's face!
- I almost died during childbirth, but would do it again in a heartbeat!
- I'm a little too addicted to Facebook!
- I love to peek in my little girl's room and just watch her playing or reading stories or singing songs!
- I never realized how BIG my love could be for someone so LITTLE!